CRECE Project
CRECE begins its new food distribution program to people in need every other Friday beginning April 14, 2023 at 11AM for a few hours. If you know anyone in need, let them know. About 100 families come to receive food.
CRECE now also maintains its offices at Immanuel in the Education Building located at 1910 Santa Clara Ave., Room 208 to continue the work of helping Central American refugees in the East Bay.
CRECE stands for the Central American Refugee Committee and has been working to raise support for communities in El Salvador and in the United States for a number of years. A delegation from this area will visit communities in El Salvador this summer, with Tulio Serrano, ILC church custodian, as one of the leaders of the delegation and one of the founders and a board director of CRECE itself. The purpose of the delegation will be to take donations such as: medicine, school materials, sporting materials, clothes, and shoes to some of the neediest of people.
Esteban Marino de Paz (known to many of us as Tulio Serrano), who has worked hard to make our church buildings clean and beautiful for our worship has made CRECE his life’s work. He writes, “I hope that you will be able to participate in our project by either joining the delegation or by donating some of the needed items we are planning to bring to El Salvador.” The delegation will also participate in a cultural exchange by staying in local communities and learning more about the situations which the communities live in. They will participate in the student march that commemorates the Anniversary of the Massacre of the students on July 30, 1979 and visit other historical places of the Civil War. They will also visit with local people and learn the healing and hope that has come through the donations and educational scholarships that CRECE has helped make possible.
Throughout the month of June, we will be collecting materials and supplies for Tullo to take with him on this mission. You will find a blue tub/box in the Narthex marked for CRECE. Please place donations in the box or beside it if it is full. Thank you.
MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES NEEDED: Clothes, shoes, school notebooks, pencils, easers, sports equipment (used is fine), Tylenol, ibuprofen, aspirin, cough syrup (this needs to be plain Guaifenesin-no dextromethorphan), antibiotic ointment, Bactine or other wound cleaner, antifungal ointment, Benadryl, pre- natal vitamins, cotton balls, cotton tip q-tips, tape, band-aids, gloves- sterile and non-sterile, sterile dressings – 4×4 and 2-2, small zip lock baggies, antibiotics that are not labeled (cannot have a person’s name on them nor a part of the label torn off where the name used to be).
If you are interested in being a part of the delegation, or just want more information on CRECE and what it is doing here in the US and in Central America, you can e-mail them at or visit at, or, or just ask Tullo as he is here cleaning.