Update from October 25th, 2022 – Pastor Dot’s Continuing Recovery & Bill’s Health.
Hi to you all,
It is good to hear from you. I miss the good days of working with you and being a part of Immanuel. Thank you for sharing all the news. They did an ablation on me as one of the attempts to solve my back issue without surgery but it did not work for me because I had a bone spur that had grow into the spinal nerve sac itself. I will pray that it does work for Peter.
I am still in the one-year recovery period from the surgery and am doing pretty well but may have to have another more minor surgery to put some pins in to strengthen the end of the spine. I am trying a few things first before giving in to that. Acupuncture is going to be one of them. Bill is doing. He is slowly forgetting more things and cannot work anymore. He can’t cook or even use the microwave now for anything other than hearing something up quickly. I am blessed with the fact that he recognizes when he can’t safely operate something and so will restrict himself from that. This saves me, so far, from having to argue with him or be the one to tell him he can’t do or use something safely. I am very thankful for that.
I did hear about Chris Kanbergs’s friend and Terry’s Father. I was saddened to hear about both. I did not know about Gudrun, though, so thank you for letting me know. I agree with Fredi. I miss Alameda, too.
It is good to hear Andrew stepped up as Chef. I am certain his tacos came out better than mine did! It is good to see Michele is back, as well.
I will pray for the Intentional Interim/Part-time pastor choice. I know God has good in mind.
Pastor Dot
Update from November 9th, 2021 – Pastor Dot’s Recovery from recent surgery.
Pr. Dot continues to convalesce from her recent back surgery and wishes to thank all who have sent their prayers .
Update from July 12th – Pastor Dot’s Recent Response to the Posting of the Bishop’s Letter in the Announcements last week.
First, I just want to let you all know that Bill and I are settling in here in Maryland but miss you all greatly. I am excited to hear about the new Zoom worship and just want to encourage all of you to continue to support ILC financially as you go through this “inbetween” time before you can gather once again in the beautiful Sanctuary.
Secondly, I want to correct something that I may have inadvertently caused by asking Ruth to pass on the Bishop’s Letter that was printed in last week’s announcements. By passing this letter on to you, I was not implying that you had to agree with everything in the letter. Please forgive me if it seemed that way. I was merely passing on the information from our Synod. The letter was Bishop Mark’s opinions and the direction that our wider church leans towards but that is all. I have my opinions on these matters and those opinions may not necessarily agree. (For instance, I have been known to not wear a mask when I am around family and feel it is safe to do so.) I am sure that you all have your opinions on these matters, too, and they are not necessarily right or wrong. These are opinions and that is all.
I do agree with one thing, though. These differing opinions should not get politicized nor so hotly divisive. I recently saw a Facebook note from John Swanson that I like. It said something to the effect that: ‘it is ok to have different opinions and discuss (not fight) about them. We are all adults here.’ Yes, it is ok to disagree and still respect one another.
Lastly, Bill and I continue to give thanks to the Lord for all of you for your generosity and loving care. We pray that the Lord will bless each of you and ILC as you journey forward.
Pastor Dot +
New Address & Email: 601 Village Grove Dr., Unit 301, Frederick, MD 21703. My e-mail remain the same, please use: faithfulthings777@gmail.com.